
Our objective is to help you determine the dog daycare and boarding facility that best fits with you and your pet’s needs.

We provide a perspective which is based on visiting and observing each facility (largely on a secret shopper basis), speaking with facility managers and staff, and through conversations with customers.

While our reviews are well researched, we believe that the most holistic review also includes each potential customer’s independent research of each facility. Ultimately, fit is important and Pet Care Check’s reviews are one data point across many.

We hope that you find our review site helpful as you assess the best fit for your pet!

How do we pick the geographic areas that we review?

Our reviews are sourced from consumer suggestions. The more suggestions we receive, the more we explore adding reviews for dog daycare and boarding facilities in new geographic areas.

Will you be reviewing other kinds of pet care service providers in the future?

Yes! Today we focus on dog daycare and boarding facilities. In the future, we will be reviewing dog  grooming and dog walking service providers. More to come in the future.


At times, it may be unavoidable for Pet Care Check to have association with operating or marketing affiliates of the facilities we review, or affiliations with the facilities themselves, much like other review websites.

We would like to hear from you

We can be reached at info@petcarecheck.com. Feedback and suggestions around where we might consider reviewing additional dog daycare and boarding facilities in new geographies are always welcome.

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